defsis (16) / Defsisi leson
CARDINAL NUMBERS are invariable:
1, unu, 2 du, 3 ce (combining form: cev-), 4 par, 5 pin, 6 sis, 7 sep, 8 of, 9 nef, 10 dec
The numerals between 12 and 17 and also 19 have
modifications to the "10" component: 11 decunu, 12 devdu, 13 defce, 14 dexpar, 15 dexpin, 16 desis, 17 desep, 18 decof, 19 denef.
The numerals 40, 50, etc, again, have modifications for the
tens place number: dudec, cedec, padec, pidec, sidec, sedec, odec, nedec.
The numerals 400 - 900 have the same modification in
the hundreds place as 40 - 90 have in the 10s place: 200 dusat, 300 cesat, 400 pasat, 500 pisat, 600 sisat, 700 sesat, 800 osat, 900 nesat
1000 mil
Numerals between the multiples (below 999) are created by
simple juxtaposition of the elements: 56 pidec sis, 437 pasat cedec sep, 7261 sep mil dusat sidec unu. As can be seen by this past example, "mil" is
usually written separately from the number that modifies it, even though,
according to the rules, it should be attached to the numeral preceding it.
"million" is "bin"
And finally, "-ole" meaning "multiplied
by"causes no modifications since it starts with -o-: duole par esar of. 2 x 4 is 8.
Kutom de jelo? How many years?
Kutom esar cevole par? How much are 3 times 4?
Kutomi esar sa cas? What time is it? (Which"th"
is the hour?)
Esar sa pari cas. It's four o'clock ((it) is the fourth hour).
Esar sa pari cas kaj despin. It's 4:15.
1. Kutom da ifano imar sa jodaj? Li imar par
2. Kutom da ifano idar a nui kenun? Sat cedec unu
idar a nui kenun.
3. Kutom da ifaniko kenar sa kenaj? Li kenar
pidec ce ifanien.
4. Ci esar ma file ifanino? Anu, ni imar sedec of
ifaninien en sa kenun.
5. Kutom da ifanino esar en xuti kenunel? Esar
padec en unu kenunel kaj cedec of en sa ali.
6. Kutom esar despin kaj cedec du? Ki esar padec
7. Kutom esar sepole dudec? Ki esar sat padec.
8. Kutom esar devduole nef? Ki esar sat of.
9. Kutom esar sepole pidec ce? Ki esar pin mil cesat.
10. Kutom de kenajien imar tui tadik? Li imar ce kenajinien,
du dinajinien kaj unu kipaj, kuto esar sis dinajien.
11. Kutom de jado vi vidar? Mi nu vidar filisen;
mi axar, ke mi vidar dudec jadien.
12. Kutom de coveko esor xe vi ojdene? Ni imor
ojdene xe ni cedec herinien kaj dudec of herikien.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
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