Monday, December 28, 2015

Leson devdu (12)

The infixes -ev and -eb
The infix -ev attached to transitive verbs creates adjectives denoting possibility of having something done to an object.  The resulting adjective describes an object of a verb:  Vida - to see, videvi- visible (able to be seen).  Jeda - to believe, jedevi- credible (able to be believed);
The related suffix -eb attached to intransitive verbs denotes "subject to (verbing)":  tota- to die, totebi- mortal (subject to dying), tanotebi- immortal (not subject to dying)

tute there
atute here
axa - to believe, opine
pagot weather
vinca to desire, wish
Tuto esar komevi that is edible.
Atuto esar nubebevi  this is undrinkable.
Nivi Bok, nivi xiri, nivi tanotebi, pamilu nien Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

1.  Kute ti esar?  Mi esar atute en mui domat.
2.  Kute esar tui velin?  Li esar en sa sidun.
3.  Kuti esar tute ku li?  Mui tads movar tute ku li.
4.  Ci ti puler tutoen, kutoen mi vincer?  Anu, hiker, atute esar tui telasos kaj tute tui pelotirs.
5.  Ci ti nu komer tui kuken?  Nu, mi nu poter koma kien, oti ki esar nu kevomi.
6.  Kuten ti nemer atute su sa tab?  Mi nemer tutoen.
7.  Ci ti nu poter vida sa gorsen?  Anu, mi poter vida zien; sa pagot eser sor xeni kaj zi eser vevidi.
8.  Ci ti nu poter beba atuti cajen?  Nu, mi nu beber tui cajen;  ki esar bevebi, ale sor nobi.
9.  Kuten ti geber a tutus ifans?  Mi geber a zi tuten, kuten mi puler en sa jad ejdene matin.
10.  Kutam ti idaner a mui vikel?  Mi idaner a li denserede kaj denkomer ku lui ikorod.
11.  Ci ti serkomor ku ni, kutam ti idanor a sa jad?  Mi axar, ke mi nu potor dela tuten, oti mi nu imar zaten. 
12. Ci tutu nuji listup bone geber a ti tuten, kuten mi puler/puleni en lui punul?  Li geber a mi tuten, kuto esar atute su mui tab. 
13.  Ci ti votar dela atuten, Hiker?  Nu, mui nab, esani/mi esar naji kaj ti esar file je ixiri cem mi.
14.  ci atutu ninab deler atuten?  Nu, Hiner, atutu nab deler tuten kaj sui vinel atuten.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Leson decunu (11)

The relative pronoun
The relative pronoun is the word, kutu, who, which, that.  When used as the relative pronoun, it will always take -s in the plural and -en in the accusative, which are optional when it is used as a demonstrative.

Those men who come, Tutu coveko kutus idanar.

The word kutu is a pronoun when it is alone, but it corresponds to our adjectives what or which when it is before a noun.  Kutu movar?  Who is speaking?  Kutu(s) tabo esar tutam?  What/which tables are there?

The demonstrative 
Tutu, that, is an adjective if before a noun and a pronoun if alone:  tutu tab, that table; tutu nu idanar, that one does not come.  Tuto is always the pronoun for things:  Mi kerar tutoen,  I want that.  To denote "this, these" etc. prefix a-:  atutu this one.

Kutuen ti vidar?  Whom do you see?
Kutu(en) kuken ti nemar?  Which cake do you take?
Mi gebor tutu(en) kuken kaj nemor atutuen.  I will give that cake and take this one.
Tutus, kutus alasar fade.  Those who remain long.

For the remaining lessons in this course, optional plural and accusative endings will NOT be indicated.

1.  Kutu esar tutu covek?  Tutu covek esar sa her, kutuen ni vider ejdene su sa ulic.
2.  Ci ti nemor tutu(en) potiren?  Nu, mi nemor atutuen, oti li esar ma jandi.
3.  Kutu bone canezar?  Tutu, kutu nu file movar.
4.  Kutu coveko komer mui kuken?  Tutus, kutus idanar en sa matin.
5.  Kutu pojelien ti kerar ima?  Mi kerar ima tutu pojelien, kutus esar ejdene su tui tab.
6.  Ci ti vider sa potiren kutuen li nemer?  Nu, ale mi vider tutuen, kutuen ti nemer.
7.  Ci ti vider kutu kuken li komer?  Anu, li komer sa kuken, kutuen ti puler ejdene.
8.  Kutu pojelien li pulor?  Li pulor tutu ajandi pojelien, kutusen lui tadin panular.
9.  Ci atutu caj esar mj boni cem tutu?  Anu, ki esar file ma boni, oti mi puler atutuen en sa jad, isto ti puler tutuen en sa vik.
10.  Ci ti axar, ke sa caj, kutuen ici pular en sa jad, esar ma boni cem tutuen ici pular en sa vik?  Mi nu kitor tutuen, ale en sa vik sa caj alasar en sa butiko ma fade cem en sa jad, kaj ki esar mu novi.
11.  Kutu(en) husen ti kerar pula?  Mi kerar pula xeni huselen, kutu esar engus ta gorel.
12.  Kutu esar en tui domat?  Tute esar sa du ajandi infano a kutus mi geber kuken ejdene.
13.  Ci ti juxe vider tutu coveken?  Anu, mi axar ke li esar kutu, kutuen mi vider en sa kafun.
14.  Xe kutu tab ti sidor?  Mi sidor xe tutu tab engus mui ini kuz..

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Leson dec (10)

The suffix -un
Among its uses is to denote the place devoted to an activity, or usually associated with an act or item:  pula - to sell; pulun - store.  kena- to teach; kenun- school, kenud - classroom*; kaf - coffee, kafun - Cafe.

*-ud is a non-productive suffix denoting specifically a room devoted to the activity expresale in the verb.    

The suffix -stan
This is the suffix uale on an adjective of nationality to denote the country in which the nationality is a majority, usoni - of the USA ("American"), usonistan - the USA;  dojci - german, dojcistan - Germany; or else the "virtual" "land" of said nationality when speaking in general terms or when groups are clustered together:  romani - Rom (gypsy), romanistan - the Rom world;  Esperanto >EsperantiEsperantistan "Esperantujo".  Ortodosistan, the Orthodox world.



We derive the opposite of a root word in one of three ways: 
1.  Usually by infixing -an- after the first consonant (but see #3, below)
2.  An older form, for use with colors.  The first and second consonants are simply switched:   liki - violet, purple, kili - yellow. 
3. In any root with an -n- (either singly or as part of a cluster) as the second consonant, a very old form is uale, which is simply to prefix a-:  jandi large, ajandi small.  



afeta - to shave (s.o. or s.t.) ; so afeta - to shave (oneself)
ale - but
ate - until, up to the time of
ose - or
baka - to bake
bakaj - baker
bakun - bakery
bombon - piece of candy
butik - shop
caneza - to work
cevi - three
ceza - to play
cidax - sugar
dela - to do, to make
den - day
densered - noon
denkom - lunch
domisi - public
dui - second
filis - many
furas - a frenchman
furases - French (language)
furasistan - France
imbe - around
ida - to go
inte – after
isto – while
jeda - to believe, mentally assent to
jod - bread
jodal - sandwich
joxad - square (It. piazza, Ger. Plaatz)
juxe - already
kaf - coffee
kafun - cafe
kena- to teach
kenud- classroom
kenun  - school
kenunal - university
kif - hump, lump, bump
kita - to say, tell
kor - heart
kupi - white
ligi – some
luba – to love
masam - spice
matin – morning
moga - to help
neka - to learn
nixered - midnight
novi - new
omos(e) - however
panula- to buy
petina - to comb
petinil - a comb
pipar - pepper
pota - to be able to
pula - to sell
pulun - store
razeni - diverse
recal - goods, stuff
rukel - back (body part)
sal - salt
sered - middle
tanami- quiet
tiga - to dwell
tijel - affair, matter, a thing
toxe - also
ulic - street
ulicel - lane, alley
unui - first
vik - village
vin - wine
xokolat - chocolate
zaneki - mean-spirited
zeki -  afable, nice






Mui vik esar sor ajandi.   Ki nu esar su gor, ale ki esar engus gorel ma hoxi cem sa je hoxi hus en sa vik.  En mui vik esar unu jandi joxad kaj ligi ulico kaj ulicelo.  Su sa joxad esar ligi butiko kaj sa domisi kenun.
   Sa unui butik esar pulun de fili, razeni tijelo.  Sa pulaj esar ajuni herin ku axeni kif su sa rukel.  Li pular masamien, cidaxen, salen, piparen, bombonien, bumaken, recalen, kaj fili ali tijelien.  Sa ifano nu fili lubar lien, oti li esar sor ajuni kaj axeni; omose li imar sor boni koren.  

Sa dui butik esar sa petinun.  Sa petinaj esar juni furas, sor zeki kaj fesi.  Isto li afetar kaj petinar sa covekien, li movar kaj cutar ku zi.  

Sa cevi butik esar sa bakun.  Sa bakaj esar juxe ajuni kaj li esar ma tanami cem sa petinaj, ale li canezar ma bone.  Li delar sor boni jodien kaj jodelien, kutusen li pular en sa butik.  Engus lui pulun esar kafun, kute ici potar beba cajen, kafen, xokolaten, piven ose vinen.  En sa kafun esar du domato; unu ku fili, ajandi tabo, kaj sa ali ku unu soli jandi tab kaj fili sidilo imbe li.
   Ma anguse, su sa joxad, esar sa kenun de mui vik.  Sa ifano idar en sa matin a sa kenun, kaj zi canezar tute ate densered.  Du iki kenajo kenar sa iki ifanien, kaj ce ini kenajo kenar sa ini ifanien.  En mui vik sa ifanino esar ma filis cem sa ifaniko.  Unu kenaj kiter a mi, ke zi canezar ma bone cem sa ifaniko, ale fili coveko nu kerar jeda tuten.  Xe sa densered sa ifano idar denkoma, kaj inte tuto zi mogar sa patien ose cezar su sa joxad.  Ligi ini ifano panular bombonien xe sa ajuni, kifi pulaj, ale lui bombono esar sor ajunis kaj nu sor bonis.
   Ejdene unu ise ta kenajo idaner toxe a lui butik por pular bumaken, ale li(ni) nu imer xeni, kupi bumaken, kaj li nu eser zufi.  Mi nu axar, ke li potar panula ma boni bumaken en sa vik, oti sa ajuni herin esar sa soli, kutu pular bumaken tute.

1.  Ci mui vik esar ajandi?  Anu, ki esar ajandi.
2.  Ci sa goro esar hoxis?  Anu, zi esar hoxis.
3.  Ci mui vik esar engus gorel?
4.  Ci sa gorel esar ma hoxi cem sa huso en sa vik?
5.  Ci sa butiko esar su sa joxad?
6.  Ci esar bakun en mui vik?
7.  Ci esar toxe petinun?
8.  Ci ici potar panula bombonien en mui vik?
9.  Ci esar fili ifanino en sa vik?
10.  Ci sa kenaj kenar sa ifanien?

1.  Ci mui vik esar jandi?  
Nu, ki esar ajandi.
2.  Ci ki esar su gor?
3.  Ci sa huso esar ma hoxis cem sa gorel?
4.  Ci esar fili joxado en sa vik?
5.  Ci ti idar a sa kenun de mui vik?
6.  Ci mi avar kuzen tute?
7.  Ci sa ini pulaj esar juni?
8.  Ci li esar aboni?
9.  Ci sa petinaj esar fanesi?
10.  Ci sa bakaj esar tami?
11.  Ci sa ifaniko esar ma filis cem sa ifanino en sa kenun?
12.  Ci sa ifano idar a sa kafun?

Kutu esar xe ti?  Sa bakaj esar xe mi.
2.  Kutuen kenar sa kenajino?  Zi kenar sa ifaninien.
3.  Kutu kenar sa ifanikien?
4.  Kutu pular cidaxen?
5.  Kutu panular bombonien?
6.  Kutu petinar sa covekien?
7.  Kutu delar joden?
8.  A kutu ti idar?
9.  Xe kutu ti denkomar?
10. Kutuen sa ifano nu lubar?
11.  Kutuen sa ifanikien mogar?
12.  A kutu li(ni) panular bumaken?

Kut(o) esar tuto?
2.  Kut(o)en delar sa bakaj?  Li delar boni joden.
3.  Kut(o) esar su sa joxad de sa vik?
4.  Kuten pular sa ajuni herin?
5.  Kuten li(ni) imar?
6.  Kuten panular sa ifanino?
7.  Kuten delar sa petinaj?
8.  Su kut esar sa potiro?
9.  Kuten komar sa ifanino?
10.  Kut esar anovi xe sa pulajin?
11.  Kuten kerer pula sa kenaj?
12.  Kuten ici bebar en sa kafun?

Kute esar sa gorel?  Li esar engus ta vik.
2.  Kute esar sa butiko
3.  Kute esar sa huso?
4.  Kute ti tigar?
5.  Kute tigar sa petinaj?
6.  Kute ti pular tui joden?
7.  Kute tui ifano nekar?
8.  Kute ici potar panula bumaken?
9.  Kute ici potar beba cajen.
10.  Kute sa ifanino panular bombonien?
11.  Kute tigar sa kenajin?
12.  Kute zanecar sa ifano?

Kutam ti idaner a nui vik?  Ejdene mi idaner a ki.
2.  Kutam ti esar en tui hus?  Mi esar tutam en sa matin.
3.  Kutam sa petinaj cutar?  Li cutar, isto li afetar sa covekien.
4.  Kutam ti zanecer su sa joxad?  Mi zanecer tutam, kutam mi eser juni.
5.  Kutam ti panuler tui joden?
6.  Kutam sa ifaniko idar a sa kenun?
7.  Kutam sa ifano idar denkoma?
8.  Kutam zi zanecar su sa jodax?
9.  Kutam zi kanenar?
10.  Kutam sa pulajin esar zufi?
11.  Kutam sa petinaj esar fesi?




Thursday, December 17, 2015

Leson nef (9)


The direct object

The direct object of singular nouns, adjectives and pronouns (and some correlatives) will take UNstressed -en; replacing the final vowel on adjectives, and the correlatives ending in -o and attached to nouns ending in a consonant, the subject pronouns, and the correlative series that end in -u, -i:
bonen, moven, denen, mien, kuten.  The plural ending for nouns is -ien.  Accusative plural for adjectives is derived via an old form in which the plural is indicated by -s-, thus -sen:  boni, bonisen.  Kili, kilisen.  The accusative of adjectives (both singular and plural) is only used when the adjective is not directly in front of the noun;  this is usually only when the adjective is in an appositive relationship with the noun it modifies, or when the meaning is nominal.  Mi vider sa kili gulien, nu sa likisen. 

To place emphasis on the object pronoun, use the pre-verb pronoun in addition to the "full" form pronoun after the verb.  To place emphasis on an object noun, use the pre-verb pronoun in addition to  the object noun.

The correlatives ending in -i and -u (kuti, kutu, etc) take the full suffix -en to form their accusative.

The common German/Slavic device of using the accusative to denote movement to a place is NOT used in Govoro.  We say "A kute ti idar?"  Where are you going (to)?  "Mi isidar sa buken a su sa pol"  I set the book onto the floor.

Sa kan sirer sa visiken.  The dog bit the man.  Because of the accusative ending, this sentence can be arranged as Sirer sa kan sa visiken, sa visiken sirer sa kan, sa visiken sa kan sirer, etc. without confusing the subject and object.
Ni vider sa xiroki tabien:  We saw the wide tables.
Li gufar mien  He mocks me.

It will be noted that an attributive adjective occurring directly before the noun it modifies rarely takes the plural/accusative ending(s) and somewhat less rarely the plural nominative ending.  The only time these endings are used on adjectives in the pre-noun position are to avoid any ambiguity.

Direct object form of personal pronouns
The personal pronouns, when used as direct objects, have two forms, one with -en attached, as above (mien, tien, lien, nien, vien, zien) and another, used mainly in high style speech, but also by some speakers (mostly Romance speakers, in imitation of their native languages):  mo, to, lo, no, vo, zo; me, you, him/her/it, us, you, them, placed directly in front of the conjugated verb.  The writer/creator of Govoro (who, incidentally, is a native English speaker) prefers this latter form, but don't let that sway you; if you wish to use the "full" form (mien, tien, etc) do so.  Neither form is incorrect.

In sentences with an infinitive compliment taking the direct object pronoun (I want to serve you), the "full" form is used overwhelmingly, except in the very highest style.  Mi kerar dina tien will be the only form seen in ordinary use. The student will see Mi kerar dina-to  Even more rarely he will see To kerani dina in the Bible or in "legalese."  This is NOT to be imitated.

Ni lubar lien/Ni lo lubar  We love him/her/it.
Sa pes komar mufen.  The fish eats a fly.
Mi beber boni/bonen cajen  I drank good tea
Kuten ti delor?   What will you do?
Ci ti imar fanisi pojelien?  Do you have clean cups?

1.  Ci to ravar sa caj?  Anu, ki mo ravar sor file.
2.  Kuten ti komor?  Mi komor pesen.
3.  Ci tui pes esar boni?  Anu, ki esar boni kaj mi esar zufi koma kien.
4.  Kuten ti bebor, Her?  Mi bebor cajen.
5.  Ci nu to ravar kaf?  Nu, Her, mo ravar caj ma cem kaf.
6.  Kuti kerar beba piven (beer)?  Mi axar, ke mui patik bebor piven.
7.  Kuten ti imar en sa potir?  En mui potir mi imar piven.
8.  Kuten ti imar en sa piv?  En sa piv mi imar mufen.
9.  De kute idanar atutu muf?  Ki kurer su sa tab kaj idaner a mui potir.
10. Ci tui potiro esar fanisis, Herin?  Anu, Her, mi xutam imar fanisi potirien.
11.  Ci esar nisti, ke lini imar xutam fanisi potirien?  Nu, mui kim, mi nu jedar atuten.
12.  Herino, ci vui potiro esar toxe fisis?  Ni nu avar potirien.
13.  Ci niste vi nu imar potirien?   Nu, ni imar pojelien, oti ni bebar cajen.
14.  Ci sa caj, kutuen ti bebar, esar boni?  Anu, ale, ejdene, ni beber ma boni cajen.
15.  Kutam ti eser en atutu jad?  Ni eser atute ejdene.
16.  Ci sa mufo komar pesien?  Nu, mui kim, ale sa mufien komar peso.
17.  Ci sa peso komar covekien?   Nu pize, ale sa pesien komar pize coveko.
18.  Kuten ti delor ojdene?  Ojdene, mi cezor ku mui kuzo.
19.  Ci ti lubar tui kuzien?  Anu, mi lubar zien (or mi zo lubar), ale mi lubar noxe mui boni kimien.
20.  Ci ti lubar tui tadiken?  Anu, mi lubar lien (or mi lo lubar) file, kaj toxe li mo lubar mien.
21.  Ci atutu herin lanubar tui josinen?  Anu, mi axar atuten, oti li esar sor zaneki ku li.
22.  Kutuen ti lubar?  Mi lubar fili covekien, kutis nu mo lubar mien.

Leson of (8)

Superlative of adjectives and adverbs
The superlative is formed by je....ise,  most.....(out) of; muje.....ise, least......(out) of

Sa je boni ise ni   The best (one) of/among us
Sa je xiroki tab.  The widest table.
Sa muje xiroki     The least wide, narrowest.

Mu embire cem li  Less skillfully than s/he
Sa je cudelindi ise zi.  The most wonderful of them
Sa je cudelindi zat de sa jel.  The most wonderful time of the year
Sa muje cidi jas  the least sweet voice
xiri  strong, mighty; peva  to sing

1.  Ci tui velin esar mu xiri cem ti?  Nu, Her, li esar file ma xiri.
2.  Kutu pevar sa je bone ise tui velino?  Mui je juni velin pevar sa je bone.
3.  Ci lui jas esar ma xiri cem tui jas?  Nu, ale ki esar file ma cidi.
4.  Ci sa jas de mui kuzin to ravar?  Anu, lui jas esar xire xeni.
5.  Ci tui kim pevar pize?  Nu, nu lo ravar peva, oti lui jas esar xire canidi.
6.  Ci ajuni coveko pevar bone?  Nu, zi panize pevar bone, oti zui jas esar xaniri.
7.  Ci tui josin esar embiri por caneza?  Nu file, ale li esar ma embiri por ceza.
8.  Kutu esar tutu cudeli covek?  Li esar sa je xiri covek ise mui jad.
9.  Ci tui anovi dinaj  nu esar ma xiri cem li?  Nu, oti mui dinaj esar file ma ajuni.
10.  Ci sa ifano de tui jad pavar xene?   Mi axar, ke zi xeni pevar, ale nu ma cem sa ifano de ali jado.
11.  Kute esar sa je hoxi goro? Sa je hoxi goro esar en Asij.
12.  Ci sa goro en Amelik esar hoxis?   Anu, zi esar ma hoxis cem tutus en Jurop.
13.  Ci tutu ifano esar tuis?  Nu, mui ifano esar ma juni cem tutus.

Leson sef (7)

The comparative of adjectives and adverbs
The comparative is formed with ma....cem (more.....) and mu...cem (less..,,):

Ma boni cem mi - better than I
Ma vite cem xat - Faster than a cat
Mu jandi cem tuto - Less big that that

Sa + possessive adjective
In order to create the "mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs" series, place the definite article "sa" in front of the possessive:  mui - my, sa mui - mine; tui - your, sa tui - yours, etc.

Vocabulary building: the suffix -el
The suffix -el is placed to denote diminution of degree, not mere smallness:
hus - house, husel- cottage;  xeni - beautiful, xeneli- pretty.

Vocabulary building:  switching endings
A verb or adjective can be made into a noun by simply dropping the -a and -i, and, if the noun denotes the result of the verb, suffixes -us-:  mova - to speak, movus- an untterence; zeca- to work, zecus- work;  xeni - beautiful, xen - beauty; boni - good, bon - (the) good (that men do, e.g.)

New vocabulary
Viti  quick, fast, rapid.  Vite  quickly, rapidly
Li canezar ma bone cem lini  He works better than she,
Goro esar ma hoxi cem gorelo.  Mountains are taller than hills.
Engus a mi  Near to me
angus de li  Far from him/her

1.  Ci tui hus esar engus a sa mui?  Nu, Her, ki nu esar engus a sa tui, oti ki esar engus ta gorel.
2.  Ci sa gorel esar sor anguse?  Anu, Her, ki esar ma anguse cem sa hus de mui tadik.
3.  Ci ti kurar vite?  Nu, Her, mi axar, ke mui velik kurar ma vite cem mi.
4.  Ci tui velik esar hoxi?  Nu, Her, mi esar ma hoxi cem li.
5.  Ci ti eser en sa domat, kute mui kuz idanor?  Nu, mi eser xutam su sa gorel.
6.  Ci to ravar pedida su goro?  Anu, mo ravar pedida ma su goro cem en sa jad.
7.  Ci tui nizin bone canezar?  Anu, Her, sed li nu canezar ma bone cem sa ali ifanino.
8.  Kuto esar ma boni cem canez?  Sa ifans axar, ke cez esar maj bona cem canez.
9.  Kute esar sa jad, kute ti tigar ku tui velik?  Ki esar sor anguse.
10. Kutam tui velik idaner a tui jad?  Li idaner a ki, kutam li kerer caneza ku mi.
11. Ci sa nimo to ravar?   Anu, kaj sa kano noxe ma mo ravar cem sa ali nimo.
12. Kutu cezar ku ti ma ofte cem mui josik?  Mui kuzik cezar ku mi ma ofte, oti li tigar en mui hus.
13.  De kute idanar mui kim?  Li idanar de angusi jelad su sa goro.
14.  Ci li xutam tiger su sa goro?  Anu, oti lui pato kaj lui velo tigar tute.
15.  Ci ti eser en tui jelad?  Anu, mi tigar en ki, kutam mi eser sor juni.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Leson sis (6)

Ajden(e)  Today
Ojdene ki kajor  Tomorrow it will happen.
Ici jedor ke ki esar nisti.  One will believe it is true.
zufal - accident
jad  city
husel cottage
xeneli pretty
Sa ifanik pader de sa husok.  The boy fell from the window.
Kutam  When.  Tutam  then.

1.  Kut kajer ajdene?  Ajdene xeleni ifan pader de husok.
2.  Kute ki pader?  Ki pader engus mui hus.
3.  Ci ti eser tute, kutam li pader?  Nu, mi nu eser tute.
4.  Ci li pader de jandi hus?  Nu, sa ifanik pader de ajandi hus.
5.  Ci ki esar sa husel de Herin A.?  Anu, ki esar lui hus.
6.  Ci sa ifan tiger xe li?  Anu, li tiger xe Herin A.
7.  Kutu li eser?  Li eser lui nizik.
8.  Ci li esar sa soli nizik?  Nu, esar du ali niziko kaj unu nizin.
9.  Kutam kajer sa zufal?  Ki kajer ejdene.
10. Ci sa pato de sa ifan eser tute?  Nu, zi ne eser tute.
11.  Kute zi tigar?  Zi tigar en alutu jad.
12.  Kutam zi idanor?  Zi idanor ojdene.
13.  Ci ti nu axar, ke zi idanor ajdene?  Nu, mi nu axar tuten.
14.  Ci sa tadin eser en sa hus, kutam ki pader?  Anu, li eser tutam en sa hus.
15.  Kute cezer sa ifanik?  Li cezer xe sa husok.
16.  Ci ti axar, ke sa tadin eser toxe xe sa husok?  Nu, mi axar, ke li eser tutam en ali domat.
17.  Ci ti mover ku sa herin?  Nu, sed mui velik idaner a sa herin.
18.  Ci ti kerar mova ku sa herin ajdene?  Nu, mi axar, ke mi idanor a sa herin ojdene ku mui patin.
19.  Ci sa ifan esar sa ifanik, kutu cezer ejdene ku mui jisoko?  Nu, Her, mi axar, ke li esar ali ifan.

Leson pin (5)

Gender suffixes
These are -ik- and -in-.  They are placed immediately after the final consonant of the word and used on the words for family members (pat, vel, tad, niz, etc) and the words her (title of polite address; equal to Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss)  to denote male and female respectively:
pat  parent; patik father, patin mother.
niz  child of sibling; nizik nephew, nizin  niece.
her  (title of polite address); herik Mr. sir, gentleman, herin Ms. Miss, Mrs. ma'am, lady.

These suffixes are also used on "vis" human being, in order to denote the male and female counterparts: man, woman:  visikvisin.

These are the only instances where the gender suffixes are mandatory.  Any other use of the infixes to denote gender are completely at the discretion of the speaker.  Most people make a separate word of each infix:  iki kenaj, male teacher.  To ensure the complete accuracy of the third person, -ci, and -ni are attached:  lici - he, lini - she.

a - to
ali - other
idana - to come
bo- - in-law
bopatik - father-in-law
cut - a joke
cuta - to joke
dinaj - servant
dina - to serve
fesi - gay (old meaning), festive
file - much
filis - many
golue - soon
haneri - not married, single
her - Title of polite address
herik- Sir, Mr., gentleman
herin - Ma'am, Mrs. Miss, lady
hus - house
ibe - about (Esper. pri)
ici - one (pronoun)
ida - to go
iheri – betrothed
iherik- finace
iherin - fiancee
ifan - child (0-5yo)
ifanik - boy
ifanin - girl
jama - to cry out
jendi - foreign
jeni - full
jokuz - relative
jos - child, offspring
josik - son
josin - daughter
kac - cage
kan - dog
kera - to wish, to want
ki - it
kim- friend
kuz - cousin
kuzik - male cousin
kuzin - female cousin
koma - to eat
komus - meal
komux - food
mux - spouse
muxik - husband
muxin - wife
mudi - tired
tanami  quiet
nep - grandchild
nepik - grandson
nepin - granddaughter
nim - animal
niz - child of sibling
nizik - nephew
nizin - niece
novi - new (not old)
noxe - still (as in:  it's still raining)
ospit - guest 
hot - host
oti - because, for
pize - often, frequently
pizi - frequent
rava - to please; lo ravar - he likes....., mo ravar - I like.....
ser - evening
soli – alone
sor(e) - very
tami - loud
tanami – quiet
toxe - also
xutam - always
usel - bird
vesin - neighbor
vis - person
viso – people
zaneki – unkind, mean
zanoga – to neglect
zanufi – discontented
zeki - kind, nice, affable
zoga - to care
zufi - content




     Sa ikorod de mui tadik esar sor jandi.  Lui du josiko kaj lui ce josino esar nui kuzo.  Zi esar noxe juni ifano, kaj ni pize canezar ku zi.  En sa hus de mui tadik tigar noxe fili alutu viso.  Lui du velino tigar xe li, kaj sa velik de lui muxin, lui bovelik, toxe esar lui ospit.  Mui tadik esar sor zeki vis, kaj lo ravar jeni kaj fesi hus.  Lo ravar cuta ku jokuzo kaj kimo.  Komus xe li esar xutam sor fesi.  Mui tadin esar tanami kaj nu movar file, ale bone zogar ibe sa hus.   Esar xe mui tadik du dinajino kaj unu dinajik, kutus esar anovi kimo de sa ikorod.  Ni sor pize esar xe nui tadik kaj canezar ku lui ifano.  Zui kan esar sor jandi kaj zui xato sor filis.  Sa nimo toxe sor ravar  mui tadiken, kaj en lui xeni kip esar kac ku jendi uselo.  En sa sidun toxe esar uselukac su ajandi tab.  Ejdene sa xat sider engus ta kac kaj sa uselo file jamer.
     Ejdene eser xe mui tadik serkomo ku nui ikorod.  Mui pato kaj mui velo eser tute, kaj ni eser sor fesis.   Mui tadik kaj mui patik file cuter, sa muxino file mover kaj sa ifano file komer.  Xe mui tadik sa sidilo esar sor jandi kaj su zi, ici bone sidar.  Tuto sor ravar  mui juni veliken, kuten ravar bone sida.
     Mui dadik toxe eser xe sa tab ku ni, ale mui dadin eser mudi kaj nu kerer idana.  Mui juni kuzin eser zanufi, oti li sider engus mui velik, kaj lici nu eser zufi ku lini.  Lini nu kerer kura ku ni en sa kip, kaj lini zanecer sole ku sa xatin.  Inte sa serkomo idaner du juni heriko, kutus esar boni kimo de mui tadin.  Zi esar ihero, kaj sor no raver, oti zi eser sor fesis kaj zufis ku sa ifano kaj toxe ku sa ajuni viso.  Sa iherin idaner a mui fanesi juni kuzin kaj zanecer ku li.  
Golue sa iherin kaj sa ifanin eser sor boni kimo.

Ci sa ikorod de tui tadik esar jandi?  Anu, lui ikorod esar jandi.
 2.  Ci tui tadik esar zeki?  Anu, li esar zeki.
 3.  Ci tui tadin esar tanami?   Anu, li esar tanami.
 4.  Ci tui velik esar fesi?  Anu, li esar fesi.
 5.  Ci tui kuzin esar juni?  Anu, li esar juni.
 6.  Ci kura zo ravar sa ifanien?  Anu, zo ravar kura.
 7.  Ci to ravar ceza ku ifano?  Anu, mo ravar ceza ku ifano.
 8.  Ci sa hus de tui tadik esar jeni?  Anu, sa hus de mui tadik esar jeni.
 9.  Ci tui patik cutar pize?  Anu, li cutar sor pize.
10.  Ci tui patin idanar pize a tui tadin?  Anu, mui patin idanar pize a mui tadin.
11.  Ci to ravar serkoma ku tui kuzo?  Anu, mo ravar serkoma ku mui kuzo.
12.  Ci sa sidilo esar bonis xe tui tadik?  
Anu, zi esar bonis xe mui tadik.

 1.  Ci tui velik eser zeki ku tui kuzin?  Nu, lici nu eser zeki kun lini.
2.  Ci tui tadin movar file?
 3.  Ci tui patin eser mudi?
 4.  Ci tui tadik esar pize fanesi?
 5.  Ci kano canezar ku xato?
 6.  Ci sa juni ihero eser zekis?
 7.  Ci zi to ranaver?
 8.  Ci tui hus esar engus ta hus de tui tadik?
 9.  Ci sa dinajo de sa tadik esar novis?
10.  Ci sa ifanien ranavar koma?
11.  Ci sa ifaniko esar pize mudis?
12.  Ci sa ifanino panize movar?

1.  Kutu tigar xe ti?  Mui pato tigar xe mi.
 2.  Kutu serkomer ku ti?
 3.  Kutu esar tui ospit?
 4.  Kutu tigar xe tui tadik?
 5.  Kutu cezer ku sa xato?
 6.  Kutu eser zanufi?
 7.  Kutu eser zaneki?
 8.  Kutu cezer ku tui kuzin?
 9.  Kutu kurer ja sa kip?
10.  Kutu cuter ku tui tadik?
11.  Kutu nu movar file?
12.  Kutu zogar ibe sa hus?
13.  A kutu idaner sa iherin?
14.  Ibe Kutu ti mover?
15.  Xe Kutu ti tigar?
16.  Kutuen ravar sa ihero?
17.  Ku kutu ti mover ejdene?

Kut esar su sa tab?  Fos esar tute.
 2.  Kut esar en tui domat?
 3.  Kut esar en sa kac?
 4.  Kuten ravar tui tadik?
 5.  Kut esar en tui hus?
 6.  Su kut esar sa foso.
 7.  En kut esar sa usel?
 8.  Ibe kuto ti mover ku mui patik?
 9.  Ja kuto ti kurer ejdene?
10.  Ku kut canezar tui juni velik?
11.  Ibe kuto ti esar zufi?

1.  Kute esar tui domat?  Mui domat esar en sa hus.
 2.  Kute esar sa kip?  Sa kip esar engus ta hus.
 3.  Kute ti cezer ejdene?
 4.  Kute ti serkomer?
 5.  Kute esar sa jandi tab?
 6.  Kute esar sa uselo?
 7.  Kute esar sa uselkac?
 8.  Kute esar tui dadin?
 9.  Kute komar sa kan?
10.  Kute tigar tui kim?
11.  Kute tui kuzin cezer sole?
12.  Kute ni sidar?







Friday, November 27, 2015

Leson par (4)

The infinitive of verbs.  The infinitive expresses a state or an action without reference to persons or time.  It can be subject, object, or predicate of a verb, yet it can have a direct object.  It is modified by adverbs.  In Govores, the infinitive ends in "-a".  Mova - to speak;  beba - to drink;

Ni nu kerar panamoga vien (or:  panamoga-vo).  We don't wish to hinder you.
Ci vi kerar fade xaja?  Do you wish to answer at length?
Ima kanen esar ima kimen.  To have a dog is to have a friend.

The present tense ends in -ar: mi movar - I speak.
The past tense ends in -er;  mi mover- I spoke
The future tense ends in -or: li movor- He will speak
The conditional ends in -ir:  ni movir- we would speak
The purpose mode/imperative ends in -u: Movu!  Speak!;  Ni movu. - Let's speak.  Mi kerar, ke li movu - I wish that he would speak.

1.  The present tense is used for the "timeless" sense: mi movar ispane/ispanesen.  I speak Spanish.  This is also the form usually used to denote action that is ongoing at the time of speaking.  If particular emphasis is placed on the fact that the action of the verb is going at the time of speaking, one can use the present of esa (to be) with the present participle (see #2 below) or less commonly,  the imperfective suffix (see #5 below)


2.  The past participles of a verb end in -enti (active) and -eti (passive):  mova - to speak; moveti- spoken.  moventi - (having) spoken, as in Sa moventi covek idanar.  The person who spoke is coming.

The present participles end in -anti (active) and -ati (passive).  movanti- speaking.  movati - being spoken.

Future participles exist in Govores with the meaning of "about to X": movonti; "about to be spoken" movoti about to be spoken.


3.  The so-called "perfect tenses" can be formed in two ways.  The first way, which is used most often with transitive verbs and is more conversational, uses the auxiliary verb "ava" with the past participle.  Mi avar videti - I have seen.  Mi aver kometi - I had eaten.  Ti avor imeti  - you will have had.  Ni avir dumeti tuten- We would have thought that.


4.  The second method, the only method used with intransitive verbs, is to insert the perfective ending -ek- between the root and the tense ending. No auxiliary verb is used.  Mi videkar - I have seen.  Mi eseker - I had been.    Ti imekor - you will have had.  Ni dumekir - We would have thought.  This form is almost never used on transitive verbs in any but the most formal speech (oratory) or in formulaic phrases:  Kristo alsiveker!  Istine alsiveker!  Christ has risen!  Indeed, He has risen!  However, there are speakers who use this form on all verbs in conversation, both informal and formal.  In practice, the perfect tenses are not in usual use in conversation, the "regular" tenses with adverbs such as "jam" already, and "uske" up till now, being used instead:  Mi uske eser, I have been.  Mi jam komer, kutam li enider.  I had (already) eaten, when he came in.



5.  The suffix -ad can be added between the root and the suffixes -ar, -er, -or, and -u to create an imperfective aspect.  This is primarily used with the past tense to express an "imperfective" aspect, much like the Spanish imperfect, Russian imperfective past, or the Greek continuous past tense.  Without the -ad suffix, the past is equivalent to the Greek aorist; denoting the idea of completion of the action or else simple reporting of the action happening in the past, as in the Spanish preterit.

Used with the present, this suffix denotes the progressive tense.  The progressive sense can also be given to the verb with the future suffix.  Technically, the -ad should be added in the infinitive to denote action that is meant as continuous or repetitive (as in Russian or Greek) but only some speakers will do this.  It is never wrong to put in the infix for this continuous/repeated meaning.


Again, a conjugated verb (in a form ending in -ar, -er, -ir, or -or) with no subject pronoun is to be interpreted as a kind of "middle voice", i.e. where, in English we use a nebulous "they":  Kutel to zovar?  What is your name? (literally:  How do they call you?)  Mo zovar ______. My name is (literally, "they call me")  ______.   This is usually to be found only in set phrases.

Lini tigar xe sa dadik.  She lives with the grandfather.
Lui patik esar juni.  Her father is young.
Lui pato eser junis.  Her parents were young.
Ajuni dadin.  An old grandmother. Ajuni dado. Old grandparents.
Anu, ni kurer ja sa sidun.  Yes, we ran thru the parlor.
Kutu sidar su atutu sidil?  Who is sitting on this chair?
Ejdene zi pedider.  Yesterday, they walked.

1.  Kutu tigar xe ti?  
Xe ni tigar mui tadik ku mui tadin.
2.  Kute esar tui patik kaj tui patin?  Mui pato esar xe mui velin, en lui hus.
3.  Ci mui velo zanecar en tui sidun?  Nu, her, tui velik kurar en sa kip kaj tui du velino nu esar xe mi.
4.  Ci tui patiko esar ajunis?  Anu, zi esar ajunis.
5.  Kutu sidar en sa sidun?  Mui patin esar atute ku juni herin kaj du ajuni hero.
6.  Ci ti zanecer ejdene ku tui velo?  Anu, mi kurer ja sa kip ku mui juni velik kaj zanecer en sa sidun ku mui ce velino.
7.  Ci tui tado zanecar ku xato?  Anu, en zui hus esar ce xato.
8.  Ci esar xato en tui hus?  Anu, esar du xato, kaj zi kurar ja sa domato, pedidar su sa tabo kaj sa sidilo.
9.  Ci esar fosilo isu tui tabo?  Nu, herin, mui fosilo nu esar en sa domato, kute kurar sa xato.
10.  Kutu tiger xe tui velik?  Xe mui velik tiger mui tado kaj sa her, kutu eser ku ti ejdene.
11.  Ci atutu her esar en mui domat?  Nu, li sidar en sa domat, kutu esar engus ta sidun.
12.  Kuto esar atute?  Atute esar unu tab kaj du sidilo, kutus esar abonis.
13.  Kutu tigar en tutu jandi hus?  Tute tigar sa hero, kutus eser ku ni ejdene.
14.  Ci tui tadin tigar xe ti?  Nu, li tigar xe mui dadik ku sa du ajuni herino, kutus sider engus ti en sa sidun.
15.  Kutu sider su sa sidil engus ta tui?  Tute sider juni her, kutu tigar ku mui velik xe nui dadik.
16.  Ci tui velik sidar engus ti xe sa tab?  Nu, xe sa tab mui velik sidar engus mui juni velin.