Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dudec pini leson
The suffix -an indicates a member, inhabitant, or partisan.
Akadamian -  Akademician
Akadamij  Akademy
aneva to leave
beca to suffer
becad suffering
buk book
covek man, person
covekal  humanity
do so, then
Faras - Persian, Iranian 
imbenem summary
isida  to sit (onto)
janoxad courtyard
januti simple, easy
jesidi to preside
jesidanat president
Jestol  Throne
jevat bed
Jofesaj Professor
joxa to request, ask for
ju for; because of (Span "por")
kos hair
kosal hair (in general)
kujama  to convoke
kupi white
kutal why
kuvena to meet (up with); gather (together)
isida  to sit (onto)
ledi pale
manajati esteemed
malda to thank
mot word
mudi tired
Naz  Prince
noxe still, yet
pakua to obey
panizi rare
pasin donkey
pize often
pizi frequent
por for (Span. para);  
qata to compose
qataj composer; author
rex king
rexi to rule
rexad  ruling
tami loud
tarix history
teg nation
totanti dying
tutom so much/many
ulinga to lie down
vesali universal
vitida to hurry
vorec palace
xobe in order to
xu since (prep of time)
xutur camel
zanima to occupy
zanimad occupation
zem country, land.


Dudec pari leson

 The "purpose mode" is a verb form, ending in -u, which denotes what in other languages would be the subjunctive and optative moods.

Ni nacu!/Nacu-ni!  Let us begin!        Vitidu!  Hurry!
Nu xuku kien!    Don't look at it!
Mi kerar/Kerani, ke ti diru.  I want you to say.
Li vicar, ke ti zanu.  He desires that you may know.
Li jamor lien, xobe li idanu galue.  He will call him in order that he may come soon.

1.  Kuten Pawlo kiter a tui velin?  Li kiter a lini:  Idanu zu atute kaj esu tanami!
2.  Kuten ti vicar, Herik?  Vicani, ke ti idu a sa jad kaj panulu boni kupi bumaken por mi.
3.  Kutam ti vicar, ke mi idu zu tute?  Vicani, ke ti zu tute idu ku ebe sajej galue.
4.  Ci ti kerar, ke mi ideru ojdene a ti?  Nu ojdene, ale en sa anagari den kerani vida tien la ce parono inte sa dui. 
5.  Ci ti kiter a li, ke li iletu sa canezen.  Anu, ec kiteni a li, ke li vitidu, oti esar toxe panope. 
6.   Ci nu kerajki, ke ici lita vien?  Nu, mo ma ravar, ke ti ulasu en tui domat.
7.  Ci delejki tuten, xobe mi nu potu avena ma panope cem ti.  
8.  Kutu jamer mien? tui patik jamer tien kaj kiter, ke ti nu aveneru ma panope cem sa ofi sere.
9.  Ci zanajki atutu coveken?    Anu, mi je bone zanar lien kaj mi toxe janar tuten, kuten li kiter a xutus.
10.  Zukute mo nadar ida?  Idanu ku mi a mui hus. 
11.  Ci mo nadar toxe idana ku ti?  Nu, mui nab, ne idanu, oti ni idar jo vite; idaneru heme kaj nu mevu su sa jop.  
12.  Ci ti niste kiter a li, ke li pevu ojdene?  Anu, mi kiter a li, ke ni esu je zufi, se li kerir peva en sa let de sa serkom.  
13.  Kuten ti kerar?  Kerani, ke ti bone zanu sa viken, zukute ni idor.

Dudec cevi leson

Kutom de zat?  How long?  How much time?
Mi uzar unu cas.  I use one hour, i.e. it takes me one hour.
Kutomi esar sa cas?  What time is it?
Duon inte sa pari.  Half past four ("half after the fourth)
La kutomi cas?  At what time?
La 4;30 (duon inte pari) jete. At 4;30 sharp/precisely.
Minut minute             dil Second

1.  Kutom de zat ti uzar por ida hemene?  De sa jad uzani du caso a mui hem.
2.  Kutomi eser sa cas, kutam ti isider?  Eser jete paron inte sa cevi.  
3.  La kutomi cas ti inador a ni?  Inadoni la duon inte pini.
4.  Ci li avener tozate?  Nu, li avener sole la dexpin inte sisi.  
5.  Ci ti potar vida kutomi esar sa cas atutam?  Anu, vidani, ke esar toxe dec minuto inte sa deci. 
6.  Kutam tui patik isidaor?  Li isidor en sa dudan, sa denefi de sistimon la pini cas.  
7.  Ci ti avener jo panope a sa kenun?  Nu, aveneni toce kutam sa sonoril kasoner. 
8.  La kutomi cas vi iserar isa sa kenun?  Iseranci la dui miaze. 
9.  Ci en sa ali jado ici iserar tu panopi ku vi?  Anu, Herik, axani, ke ec en ligi kenuno ici iserar la dejdu matine.  
10.  Kutam sa zufal kajer, ibe kutu ti tutel file mover?  Ki kajer toce la padec minuto inte sa cevi matene, sa dudec sepi de makamon nil nesat du.  
11.  Fe kutom de caso avener tui kim?  Li avener fe ce caso kaj isiror fo ligi minuto, toce la pini.  
12.  Ci vi utam avener jo panope a sa kenun?  Anu, ligifoje avener panope, ale file mu pize idaneni pin ose ec dec minuto jo panope.  

Monday, April 11, 2022

Dudec dui leson

Sa monato  the months.

Bamon January (Basil's month)
Jimon February (Tryphon of Lampsacus' month)
Damon March (David of Wales' month)
Aqamon April (Ahaz' month)
Zemon May (Jeremiah's month)
Dimon June    (Dionysius of Glushitsa's month)
Kodamon July (Cosmas and Damian's month)
Makamon August (Maccabee's month)
Sistimon September (Simeon the Stylites' month)
Anamon October (Ananias of the Seventy's month)
Temon November (Theodora's month)
Nimon December (Nicolas' month)

Li lasar sa defcevi de Zemon,  He will depart on the 13th of May.
Lo naxer sa dudan, sa dudec dui de Kodamon.  She was born on Tuesday, the 22nd of July. 
Safira to travel  
Fe ce jelo.   three years ago
Fo par jelo In four years.

1.  Kutam esar tui najden?  Sa telosi den de axutu monat:  Sa cedec unui de Temon.
2.  Kutu sezonen to ravar sajej? Ziman mo ravar sajej oti lasadani heme.
3.  Ci nu to ravar letan?   Nu file, oti mo nadar safirada celezate (all the time).
4.  Kuten ti delar isto sa ali sezono de sa jel?  Zecani heme kaj alasani taname.
5.  Zukute ti safiror as aragi jel?  Mo nadar ida en sa letan a Farik, kaj razumajki, ke ki nu file mo ravar.
6.  Kutam alasajki de tui hem?  Alasani sa unui de Dimon.
7.  Zukute ti idar ejdene en sa ser? Ejdene alaseni celedene, kaj toxe sa ser xe mui kim, Pawlo. 
8.  Kutu li esar?  Li esar sor juni kenaj en sa vik, kute mo naxer. 
9.  Ci lo ravar kena sa nabien tute?  Anu, ki lo ravar, kaj sa juni coveko sore lo lubanku.
10.  Ci ti ute vider tui kuzen as agari jel?  Nu, lo videni nur sa unui seden de atutu jel.  
11.  Ci li esar ajuni?  Nu sor, li esar padec nefe wixi, axani.  
12.  Ci lui velik esar ma juni cem li?  Anu, li esar nur padec-unue wixi, oti lo naxar of jelo inte sa ali.  
13.  Kutam utoter zui patik?  Li utoter par jelo inte zui patin. 
14.  Kutam lini utoter?  Axani, ke lini utoter fe devdu jelo.  
15.  Kutam zi ideror zuatute?  Keranku idera juxe fo dec monato, ale axani, ke nu potonku. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Dudec unui leson

 21.  Dudec unui Leson:  High and Colloquial Govoro

The linguistic form you've been learning up to now is the colloquial form of Govoro (CG).  There is also a "High Govoro" (HG) used mainly in oratory (including sermons), literature, official newscasts , but also in addressing the Royal Family and Peers of the Realm, and any other person to whom the speaker owes particular deference, i.e. your boss while at work, your teacher while at school (past primary school) or an extreme elder.  It is up to each higher ranking person whether you need to continue using High Govoro outside of the expected usage.  Conversely, those to whom High Govoro is expected, may very often tell you to use the colloquial form.  However, the Royal Family and Peers, according to rank, should ALWAYS be addressed in High Govoro while in public. Everyone should address every member of the RF in HG, even in private, but non-peers are expected to address members of the minor peerage in HG while in public, but very often can get away with using CG in private, even without a specific invitation.  Typically the higher, and to a lesser extent, older a specific peerage is, the more likely you will address the Peer in HG without a specific invitation to use CG.  Addressing peers is quite tricky, so it's best to use HG unless asked by the peer to use CG.  

It should be noted that among certain religious sects which hold the "brotherhood of man" as a distinctive, High Govoro is eschewed (even the -ni form for mi x-ar) not used at all, even with the royal family.  Some of the more conservative of these also have their own version of the Bible written in Colloquial Govoro.

There are three aspects of High Govoro in use:  Personal verb endings, inflected forms of direct and indirect object pronouns, and extensive use of adverbials.  Indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, ne, ve, ze) are very rarely heard outside high oratory (sermons, the Grand Duke's addresses to Parliament, and official speeches in Parliament).  The text of Acts of Parliament, the Bible, and liturgical texts are always printed/declaimed in High Govoro using all three aspects ("full HG").

The personal verb endings are:  

1s - -ni            1p - -nci
2s - -jki            2p - -jku
(3s - -r)           3p - -nku

The verb is pro-drop in High Govoro, i.e. the subject pronoun is dropped unless special emphasis or clarity is needed.  In CG, as you have seen, the verb uses the 3rd person singular form for all persons, along with the appropriate subject pronouns.

The direct and indirect object inflected forms (DO: mo, to, lo, no, vo, zo;  IO: me, te, le, ne, ve ,ze) are placed before the infected verb (indirect before direct) or on the end of the "completing" verb with two exceptions:  Addressing the Royal Family and in the Bible and liturgical texts.  In these contexts, object pronouns always go before the main verb. 

One aspect of Govoro that lies somewhat "overlapping" the two forms, is adverbials.  In short, an adverbial is an adverb form of a noun or verb (i.e., with an added/substituted -e on the end of the word): e.g. ce udano "on Mondays" is udane as an adverbial.  Another form that varies from person to person is an adverbial of a verb participle.  The use of these will be explored further in future lessons.  

In general, the "higher" the language, the more likely adverbials are used when the sense allows, although some people use them in both CG and HG.  Note that in time expressions, adverbials are very commonly used even in Colloquial Govoro. 

Some forms used in High Govoro are also used in the colloquial language with no particular deference intended;  mainly the first person singular forms of verbs and direct object forms of pronouns.  Direct  object pronoun inflected forms are mostly used by people whose native language is one of the Romance languages, but not the indirect ones.  A prepositional phrase is always used for IOs in CG.  The verbal suffix -ni is by far the most used form of HG in CG, almost to the extent that the only time the CG form is used is with foreign learners.

Seden - week

Udan - Monday
Dudan -  Tuesday
Cedan - Wednesday
Padan - Thursday
Pidan - Friday
Xabat - Saturday
Levaden - Sunday
Sezon - Season
Vesan - Spring
Letan - Summer
Jesan - Fall
Ziman - Winter

Mi zukar vien xe anagari udan.  I will visit you (on) next Monday. (HG: Vo zukani xe anagari udan)
Mi nu canezar xe levadeno.  I don't work on Sundays. (HG: Nu canezar levadene).
En ziman, mi ulasar heme.  In winter, I stay home.  (HG: Zimane, ulasani heme)

It will be noted that a one-time action described as taking place ON a specific day or AT a specific time will always use a prepositional phrase, whereas actions described as taking place e.g. on MondayS or in the afternoon (meaning every or regularly in the afternoon) will use an adverbial. 

In future lessons, the questions will sometimes be in HG, while the answers will always be written in CG.

1.  Kutam ici potar zuka vien (zukavo)*, Herik? Xudane (Xe xuti udan) kaj xu-cedane isto celi matine levani heme.  
2.  Kutam ti liter (litejki) tutu pevajinen?  Lo liteni nur unufoje, xe agari seden.
3.  Ci ti esar pize ajanki?  Anu, esani ajanki xutu foj kutam isedani ise mui hus.  
4.  Kutam vi idanar senkoma ku nien?  Idanani ebe xe anagari cedan.
5.  Kuten ti delar xe padan en sa ser (or xe sa padani ser)?  Jedani, ke idani por luta sa pevaden.
6.  Kuten ti deler xe sa agari levadan en sa ser?  Xe sa levadani ser, ulaseni atame heme, kutel delani xulevadane.
7.  Ci vi nu ganeber zuken xe sa ajdeni matin?  Anu, mui tadik mo zuker kaj li denkomer xe mi ku mui kuz, Pawlo. 
8.  Kutu zukar tutu ikoroden xucedane?  Mui velin deler tuten, oti li kerar moga tutu boni covekien.
9.  Ci sa patik de tutu joso nu utoter efoje?  Anu, li utoter kaj sa joso esanku jo juni por juxe canezada.
10.  Kutu zogar zien isto sa celi den?  Esanku en sa kenun ate sa ser kaj tutam zui patin juxe iderer hemene.  
11. Kutam tui velik esar zukevi?  Li esar sor panize zukevi, ale ebe ti lo potir (this is the usual form even in HG because of the difficulty of pronouncing "potijki") zuka utam xe sa dudani ose pidani ser. 
12.  Ci ti juxe idaner en sa padan ose pidan?  Anu, idaneni en sa dudan, kaj li nu eser heme.   


*In order of least to most colloquial this sentence can have the following variations:

Kutam ici potar zuka vien? ("full" CG)

Kutam ici potar zuka-vo? (note:  in this form, the stress is on the "u" of "zukavo")

Kutam ici vo potar zuka?  ("full" HG)